Here’s my poem Affection Artists published on a postcard from Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine! It’s a pretty cool concept. I love seeing my poems paired with images, and this came out so well.
This guy is a T-Rex, but you knew that, right? Who doesn’t love dinosaurs? Mr. T, as I affectionately call him, is one of many elements in an epic drawing I am working on for a friend. Other elements in this drawing to come include, but are not limited to: volcanoes, meteors, and an atomic-bomb […]
radial symmetry, noun, BIOLOGY: symmetry around a central axis, as in a starfish or a tulip flower. Digital art. I spent some time playing with the radial symmetry tool in Sketchbook Pro. I selected 16 points of radial symmetry, (for extra credit – see: forms of radial symmetry in nature) the scale ranging from 6 to 16, […]
Digital art, based off of a reference photo. “Jeane” seems like a fitting name for her. I liked playing with the “pulling brush” feature in Sketchbook Pro, and got some interesting and lively results with hair. It looks so wispy! The brightly-colored lips are for my amusement only — I like how it plays off […]