Struggled to get into it today and it shows. My hands were going numb, so that certainly didn’t help. The eye measurements did seem to be more accurate today, even though some other measurements suffered.
After struggling with eyes for so many sessions, I focused more on them today. I used some preliminary measurement lines. I could use more practice doing measurements in general, and I am scaling from photographs, which complicates the likeness, too. Flipping through the sketchbook, I am seeing progress, so I’m pleased. I’m only about quarter […]
Yes, I have continued working on Gesture Portraits. I decided I’m going to do them until the completion of my black sketchbook. I don’t know how many more that is, but it seems right that they should all be contained in the same book together. This morning, as I was in the middle of drawing, […]
Today, you get three days’ worth of drawings! I have been sticking to the practice, even though I haven’t posted. Two sessions were at night before bed and one session was today during the day. I’m still learning. I’m still violating my own guidelines (I have to stop doing that.) I wouldn’t say I’ve gotten […]
Continuing with gesture portraits today. Not as happy with the results today as I was yesterday, and I did tend to spend more time than I really wanted to with each of these. The average time was maybe a little less than 10 minutes, and should ideally be this level of competency (or better) in […]
After looking at lots of fantastic photography featuring female models with swirly hair, I felt like drawing a woman with fantastic hair! I also made an effort to use different line thickness—to accentuate certain features. I also like the idea of making contour lines bold—a technique my favorite portrait artist (Anthony Ryder) uses that I […]
A quick drawing after reading some poetry about being submerged and floating. I liked the uncolored the best, but the colored version is emotive in a way, too. The salty watercolor brush gives it some life. I suppose this qualifies as art therapy for me today, with all the swimming / drowning / floating symbolism […]
Digital art, based off of a reference photo. “Jeane” seems like a fitting name for her. I liked playing with the “pulling brush” feature in Sketchbook Pro, and got some interesting and lively results with hair. It looks so wispy! The brightly-colored lips are for my amusement only — I like how it plays off […]
I got some time and some energy to draw today. I felt like focusing on getting back to building skills with a portrait. This sweet picture, named “Rosemary” gave me a ton of confidence. I was very loose and open during the experience of drawing. To enable right-brain thinking, I put a song on repeat, which […]
Day 22 – Denim Girl Digital artwork. Based on an online reference photo. I wanted to include more of the figure in the portrait drawing again. I liked the white and dark, and the clean lines. It’s interesting to note how much texture can be achieved even without lots of gradient areas. Day 23 – Darcy […]
Day 19 Digital artwork. I added some color for fun. I’ve been experimenting more with digital art, and I’m really enjoying it. I feel as if I am getting more familiar with the tools. I am thoroughly having fun with the newly-offered brushes by Sketchbook Pro, the software I use to make art. Day 20 […]
Continuing daily sketches, I’m now past the two-week period! (Yay!) As you may note for yourself, there have been some stylistic changes these last few sessions. Some contributing factors include: a small amount of time to sketch (maybe 15 minutes) a new set of pencils (by Ashleigh Nicole) which I’m getting used to a focus […]