Portrait Sketching – Days 15, 16, & 17

Continuing daily sketches, I’m now past the two-week period! (Yay!) As you may note for yourself, there have been some stylistic changes these last few sessions.

Some contributing factors include:

  1. a small amount of time to sketch (maybe 15 minutes)
  2. a new set of pencils (by Ashleigh Nicole) which I’m getting used to
  3. a focus on hair and outlining shapes rather than detailed interior features — just to mix things up

Here is the sketchy stuff!  🙂

Day 15

Day 15 - Portrait Sketch

The first day I received my new pencils, and it shows. My lines are sketchy and all over the place. You can tell I was interested in figuring out the capabilities of the pencils more than actually focusing on the face. I wouldn’t have normally shared this picture, but in the spirit of sharing the process with this daily sketching exercise, I am.

Day 16

Day 16 - Portrait Sketch

I backed off my intensity with the new pencils and was rewarded. They are smooth and responsive. I am looking forward to getting familiar with them. I enjoyed making the nose and especially the hair in this picture. The 6B-10B grade of pencils in this set of are the quality I hoped for.

Day 17

Day 17 - Portrait Sketch

A digital work. I was rushed this day, putting this drawing together in my therapist’s waiting room. I didn’t get to develop her much, but am still pleased. The visible eyebrow is something I’m happy with. I will work on her more in the future, having gotten the features placed and started. I’m continuing to appreciate how much an off-white background adds easy warmth and life to a drawing no matter the stage of completion.

Now onto Day 18…where more progress awaits.

Thanks for reading and checking in. Are you working on an exercise, or artwork of your own? Please share! I love to see the wonderful things!

Loves and many hugs,


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