Was inspired by more photography today. The combination of a line drawing including flowers and floral arrangements, and simple portrait elements, are making me super happy the last few days. Here’s Flora with a few background colors to choose from. I honestly like all of them and cannot pick. And who says I have to? ♥
After looking at lots of fantastic photography featuring female models with swirly hair, I felt like drawing a woman with fantastic hair! I also made an effort to use different line thickness—to accentuate certain features. I also like the idea of making contour lines bold—a technique my favorite portrait artist (Anthony Ryder) uses that I […]
A quick drawing after reading some poetry about being submerged and floating. I liked the uncolored the best, but the colored version is emotive in a way, too. The salty watercolor brush gives it some life. I suppose this qualifies as art therapy for me today, with all the swimming / drowning / floating symbolism […]
Digital art, based off of a reference photo. “Jeane” seems like a fitting name for her. I liked playing with the “pulling brush” feature in Sketchbook Pro, and got some interesting and lively results with hair. It looks so wispy! The brightly-colored lips are for my amusement only — I like how it plays off […]
I felt like I needed some bright colors in my life today. I went back through the daily sketch archives and found a portrait to experiment with. My thought being, “Why not add some color digitally? Let’s see what happens.” I am super encouraged by this short, fun coloring! Pink seemed the way to go, […]
Day 10 Digital portrait, drawn in Sketchbook Pro. I played with some color. Using synthetic paint, and seeing how much I could teach myself about color work, I experimented. I am pleased with the lips and the sheen of white — I know it’s not brilliantly executed, but being able to use color and incorporate […]