I have been sending poems out like a crazy lady lately. I must have thirty different sets of poems out in the world, in various inboxes of some very tired and underpaid editors. I found out via a tweet that my poem, “Nature is Nurture,” was published today in Burningword Journal. Yay, so happy. This […]
My poem “Memory Fruit” is on Virtual Verse’s site today! The concept behind Virtual Verse is to write a poem based on an image they provide. They provided this lovely and mysterious image by Julien Menier. To see the poem on Virtual Verse’s site, visit: http://visualverse.org/ You can find it on page 25, toward […]
I sent five poems to Dead King Magazine two weeks ago. A few days ago I received a lovely acceptance letter. I leaped out of my chair. I have been sending out submissions pretty regularly the last few months, processing lots of rejection letters, just waiting for the eventual good turn, and it happened. Out […]
With eyes closed, reaching into the dishwasher, hand over smooth and pricking mountains, curve and point, spoon and fork unknown to me, feels like a tactile attack. I hold the fork firmly, bow my head, and say a silent prayer — the woes of here and yesterday, the cold utensil in hand, the welcome […]
I have seventy poems selected for my chapbook, all approved, edited, and ready to be finalized! They date within the last five years. It’s hard to look at my life in terms of title, theme, and symbolism, and not feel a little self-conscious. I have been exclaiming to myself, “Did I really write that?” and “Wow. […]