Sharing a happy picture of a swallowtail and a succulent! I was lucky enough to get this picture on a walk. (Showing going outside has more benefits that one originally anticipates.) Also, I’m working on submitting poetry out today! What are you working on? ♥
I got some time and some energy to draw today. I felt like focusing on getting back to building skills with a portrait. This sweet picture, named “Rosemary” gave me a ton of confidence. I was very loose and open during the experience of drawing. To enable right-brain thinking, I put a song on repeat, which […]
This is the second round of working this picture of succulents. I originally made a less realistic version of it here. It was colorful and fun, focusing more on the bright-color aspect and less on the real, true-to-form colors of the succulent. I told myself I’d come back to work using the very same reference […]