Day 10 Digital portrait, drawn in Sketchbook Pro. I played with some color. Using synthetic paint, and seeing how much I could teach myself about color work, I experimented. I am pleased with the lips and the sheen of white — I know it’s not brilliantly executed, but being able to use color and incorporate […]
The eighth day of sketching portraits. This was a short exercise for me, about 30 minutes. I used Sketchbook Pro again, as I want to get more comfortable with making traditional-looking art in digital form — it gives me so many more options for working while living on a boat — and the versatility of […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE Digital art. This is a modification of a hand-drawn portrait I made months ago called Samantha. I’ve been submitting to a lot of literary magazines lately, and have been noting some fantastic cover art. Looking back at my own work, and manipulating some colors in this (originally graphite) picture, I saw a lot of […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE Digital art. Taken from a reference photo I took of six succulents gathered-together in a landscaped space. I liked the cascading shape. This was a quick half hour exercise, mostly learning about synthetic paint in my painting program, Sketchbook Pro. I worked at keeping the colors warm and free, but […]
This is just me, playing with background colors from the recent image I’m working on. Note how the color changes the mood of the lines. A cool thought and observational experiment, I thought. It definitely makes me think about giving some real credit to color psychology. Which one is your favorite? […]
This is the second round of working this picture of succulents. I originally made a less realistic version of it here. It was colorful and fun, focusing more on the bright-color aspect and less on the real, true-to-form colors of the succulent. I told myself I’d come back to work using the very same reference […]
After living on a sailboat for seven months, I’ve developed a friendly relationship with a sweet pair of Mallard Ducks. They were wary at first, but after repeated feedings and sweet-talking, they are our little pets. I see them a few times a day, either paddling their feet in the water up to the back […]