ABOUT THIS PICTURE Digital art. Taken from a reference photo I took of six succulents gathered-together in a landscaped space. I liked the cascading shape. This was a quick half hour exercise, mostly learning about synthetic paint in my painting program, Sketchbook Pro. I worked at keeping the colors warm and free, but […]
After living on a sailboat for seven months, I’ve developed a friendly relationship with a sweet pair of Mallard Ducks. They were wary at first, but after repeated feedings and sweet-talking, they are our little pets. I see them a few times a day, either paddling their feet in the water up to the back […]
Figures and lines. I missed looking at pictures of lovely naked people. Seeing the form, the contours, all that gorgeous stuff. After I spotted a great reference photo online, I thought why not try it out for fun? I found a picture of a woman in a bathtub. The intimacy of her, all alone, leaning […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE 9″ x 11″, graphite (pencil) on paper with charcoal. This is a quick portrait drawing based from a reference image. I really kept my focus on the tone, particularly minding how the flow of her hair framed her face and set the mood. There is very little detail in the individual hair […]
After spending the last two weeks getting my Fujitsu Lifebook outfitted with new drivers, hard drives, and lots of exciting new drawing applications, I dived into my first real attempt at digital artwork. ABOUT THIS PICTURE Digital print. This orchid was drawn from a quick reference photograph I found online. I spent about twenty […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE 9.5″ x 6″ on watercolor paper. This was my first time playing with conté. I expected it to handle more like oil pastels, but it was slightly tacky in application. However, the conté was excellently bright and bold regarding color. The rouge areas in the image are where I used conté. […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE 8.5″ x 11″ graphite on paper. This took a little over an hour to draw. In an attempt to get some portrait drawing practice warmed up again, I started sketching from a reference photo of photographer Diane Arbus (reference photo is here). I had some difficulty getting accustomed […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE 8.5″ x 11″, graphite, acrylic, and ink on paper. This is one of my first mixed media attempts. Even though she’s very unfinished, I like the incomplete nature. I started this with the idea of working on a portrait in graphite, but I randomly got the idea to make a rainbow come […]
ABOUT THIS PICTURE Graphite on paper. A short sketch in which my primary focus and fascination was with hair, in this case, her curls. This was a good exercise for building up value, and focusing on contrasts, juxtaposing the light of the shine of the curl against the dark shadows. I was also working […]